Introduction to Project Management

Elements to Increase Project Success (4) Project Governance & (5) Continual Improvements

Learning Objective

Elements to Increase Project Success

Increase Project Success - (4) Project Governance

Project governance framework provides the project stakeholders with structure, processes, roles, responsibilities, accountabilities, and decision-making models for managing project.

Project Management Office (PMO) Primary Function

PMO is an organization structure that standardizes the project-related governance processes, and facilitates the following:

Project Life Cycle - Generic

Project Life Cycle is a series of phases, that a project passes through from project start to completion. It provides basic framework for managing project.

Project & Development Life Cycle

Predictive Vs Adaptive Life Cycle

Predictive Life Cycle

Adaptive Life Cycle

Iterative, Incremental, Agile Life Cycles

Iterative Life Cycle

Incremental Life Cycle

Agile Life Cycle

Scrum Explanation

Hybrid Life Cycle

Hybrid Life Cycle is a combination of predictive life cycle and adaptive life cycle.

Tailoring Considerations

The appropriate project management processes inputs, tools, techniques, outputs and life cycle phases should be selected to manage the project. This selection activity is known as tailoring project management to project.

Project & Development Life Cycle Quiz

Read the three scenarios. Select your answer from the following list to match the scenario. There is only one correct answer for each scenario. There are five possible answers you can choose from:
1. Predictive.
2. Agile.
3. Iterative.
4. Incremental.
5. Hybrid.
Provide rationale for each answer.

Project & Development Life Cycle Quiz (Cont’d)

Read the three scenarios. Select your answer from the following list to match the scenario. There is only one correct answer for each scenario. There are five possible answers you can choose from:
1. Predictive.
2. Agile.
3. Iterative.
4. Incremental.
5. Hybrid.
Provide rationale for each answer.

Product Life Cycle

Product Life Cycle is a series of phases that represent the revolution of a product, from concept through delivery, growth, maturity and to retirement. Project Life Cycles are independent of product life cycle. For the development of a new product, the PM can organize the project using Example 1, Example 2 or other methods.

Increase Project Success - (5) Continual Improvements

Increasing Project Success Recap


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